A Plumb Theatre Production

PRIMA FACIE BY SUZIE MILLER – Herald Theatre Aotea Centre

Project Title

Praise for PRIMA FACIE:
“Absolutely deserving of the standing ovation that Acushla-Tara Kupe received on opening night, Paul Gittins’ artistic vision is demonstrated with absolute clarity..." - Theatrescenes
“an outstanding play and Kupe’s performance ensures we are riveted” - Theatreview
“Not to be missed…Kupe gives a mesmerising performance that was simply riveting to watch” - Whiteside Entertainment

Cast & Crew:

Director: Paul Gittins
Set Design: John Parker
Lighting Design: Jane Hakaraia
Costume Design: Elizabeth Whiting
Sound Design: Eve De Castro-Robinson
Stage Manager: Chiara Niccolini
Intimacy Advisor: Miriama McDowell
Production Assistant: Michelle Blundell
Hero Photography: Amanda Billing
Production Stills: Tatiana Harper